Non-NHS Services




Some services provided fall outside the scope of the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:

  • Medicals for any purpose, e.g. pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Private sick notes
  • Vaccination certificates
  • Certain travel vaccinations

Our reception staff will be happy to advise you about appointment availability and charges not covered in the list


Forms / Certificates and Letters

Letters with no examination required, including:

  • Accident or sickness insurance certificate
  • Private Sick Note (incapacity certificate)
  • Holiday Cancellation
  • Fitness to Travel 
  • Fitness to Drive
  • Fitness to exercise
  • Freedom from Infection
  • Validation of private medical insurance claim forms
  • School Fees & Holiday Insurance certificates
  • To Whom It May Concern

Cost with no examination: £40.00

Cost with examination £130.00


Simple Forms (straightforward certificates of fact)

  • Insurance claim forms - £40
  • Form validations - £20

Fire arms certificates

Cost £130


Medical Reports 

  • Written reports providing detailed opinion and statement on condition of patient (including for insurance purposes): £150
  • HGV/Taxi/Racing/Diving or other sport Medical: £130
  • Ofsted (e.g. Childminder Health Declaration): £100
  • Adoption / Foster Medical – adult: £100
  • Adoption / Foster Medical – child: £100

Private Clinical Services

Private Vaccinations

  • Hepatitis B (three courses): £150
  • Meningitis ACWY: £70
  • Japanese Encephalitis (two courses): £200
  • Rabies: £200

Not Offered

  • Private nursing appointments