Minutes PPG Committee Meeting May 18th @ 1830





May PPG Committee Meeting

Date & Time:

Tuesday 18th May @ 6.30pm


Virtual via Team Click here to join the meeting


Raj Thakkar (Partner)

Helen Radcliffe (Practice Manager)

Sandra Baldwin (PPG) (Secretary)

Kris Cadman (PPG)

Jo Cowlin (PPG)

Michael Garrido (PPG)

John Gibson (PPG) (Not Attending)

Nic Justice (PPG Temp Chair)

Sam Wakefield (PPG)


Agenda Item

Discussion Points

(Please review and prepare)

Led by


PPG Housekeeping

  • Vote Chair (RT)

  • Open Office positions (secretary, chair to appoint vice chair before next meeting)

  • Terms of Ref/ Confidentiality Policy/ Roles and Responsibilities/ Storage of documents

  • “Virtual Group” (Discuss as Patient views)

  • New Committee Members (skills required)

RT / NJ/ All


Surgery Update

  • Progress of Klinik and impact on surgery

  • Vaccine project progress + next month

  • Staff (Vacancies, Sickness, Training etc)

  • Wins and Challenges this month

  • Looking forward/ PPG support required



Patient Experience

  • PPG Feedback from circulated document

  • Discuss surgery remit/ limitations/ what we could reasonably to take this forward and timescales.



Patient Views/survey

As part of the PPG remit is to carry out research into the views of those who use the practice.

  • Brainstorm what this could look like and agree PPG members to take forward.



Service Feedback

  • Review complaints to see if there is any action the PPG can support to resolve.

  • Social Media



Raising Awareness/ Communication

Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and families health.

  • Understand what is currently run by the surgery.

  • Brainstorm what this could look like and agree PPG members to take forward.

NOTE: this item may be carried over if not enough time







Agree Date, Time and Location of Next Meeting:

Open / Closed Actions from Previous Meetings




SW to produce a proposal documents regarding Patient Experience

Document written and initially reviewed by Raj before being distributed to the Committee for feedback

Will be discussed as agenda item on May’s meeting. Action Closed

NJ to have a discussion with RT and HR prior to the next PPG committee meeting regarding the position of chair.

Arranged Monday 17th May 9am


Highlights from PPG May Agenda Points:

PPG Housekeeping

  • RT opened meeting with the vote for Chair which led to Nic Justice being confirmed in post.

  • NJ raised that whilst the PPG is 5 member that admin would be kept at a minimum and NJ will produce Agenda and highlights and action points from the meetings. SB will support during the meeting to ensure all action points are captured.

  • Terms of Reference – All PPG Members and no further comments. NJ has only just reviewed and will work with JC to finalise the document which will be distributed for agreement outside of the monthly meeting.

  • All members need to sign the updated confidentiality form which will be distributed before the next meeting.

  • KC raised the issue of Dropbox. KC strongly believes that Dropbox should not be used to hold personal information. It is noted that Dropbox is not to be used to hold confidential documentation (e.g personal information) but until a time that KC has a proposed alternative Dropbox will be used for non-confidential document share.

  • Time did not allow for Virtual Group or New Committee Member to be discussed so they will be rolled over to the next Agenda.

Surgery Update

  • HR distributed a written update before the meeting that was distributed to all PPG members.

    • Klinik up take is good

    • Issues are how we can communicate to patients how to use it and to stop abuse (multiple request)

    • SB, SW & NJ raised that they had issues regarding the timings / call back number and this is an issue that HR will take up a training need

    • JC had positive experiences using Klinik

    • It was agreed that time would be dedicated in the next meeting to discuss Klinik at length to see how the PPG can aid communication to the wider patient community.

    • RT raised that 2 GP’s had resigned but recruitment was underway in the coming week.

    • Challenges that this is all with Covid vaccinations continuing.

Patient Experience

  • SW following an action from the last meeting had distributed a proposal document to explain how to take forward her idea further.

  • HR had also taken the idea to the PPN (Monthly Meeting for Practice Managers) who were very interesting in the idea and it was agreed that implementing it at a high level would increase the impact and reduce the man power required for one surgery. RT suggesting that Dr could work in their area of interest.

  • Discuss was held around the remit/ understanding and limitations.

  • Next steps agreed that HR to take officially to the PPN group but prior to that for SW to update the document to ensure questions/ understand raised in the PPG were addressed in the document before further distribution.

Patient View/ Survey

  • Due to time constraints this was moved until the next meeting. NJ to add to agenda.

Service Feedback

  • There was not time to discuss this in the meeting. NJ will follow up with HR and it may be raised at the next meeting.

Raising Awareness/ Communication

  • NJ raised that the practice have a yearly communication plan which identify the main central NHS campaigns

  • RT and the practice would like to run a campaign “ Know your Numbers” focusing on Blood Pressure. RT explained the benefit to the patients and practice of identifying High Blood Pressure early.

  • Various discussions took place of how this could be taken forward but the out put is that HR and RT will discuss how they would like to and are able to take forward and think about how the PPG can support them in this.

  • SW suggested tagging on to a pre organised event. (SB has raised 4th Sept Cookham regatta is going ahead)

  • This campaign planning will be discussed at length at the next PPG meeting. NJ to add to the agenda.


  • None raised - Meeting Closed.

Next Meeting - 15th June @ 18.30 RT to send out link

Open Actions from May PPG Committee Meeting




NJ to work on Terms of Reference with JC and for JC to get sign off from the PPG so they can be finalised



JC to ensure all members sign or email confirmation that they are in agreement and will follow the confidentiality agreement .



NJ to add Virtual Group and New Committee Members to the next PPG Agenda



HR to raise training need with Reception team in respect of availability timings and call back no. on Klinik



NJ to add Klinik to the Agenda for the next meeting



SW to review the Patient Experience document and address questions/ understanding raised, ready for wider distribution



HR to take SW Patient Experience document to the PPN. ( HR to let SW know of deadlines for the doc)



NJ to add Patient View/ Survey to next agenda



NJ to discuss with HR re Service Feedback



RT and HR to discuss “ Know your Numbers” Campaign and how the surgery could take it forward. Presenting their ideas at the next PG meeting



NJ to add “Know your Numbers” Campaign to next PPG Agenda



RT to send link for next meeting Tuesday 15th June @18.30



Previous successes from the PPG: