Agenda PPG Committee Meeting July 13th





July PPG Committee Meeting

Date & Time:

Tuesday 13th July @ 6.30pm


Virtual via Team ( Link via email)


Raj Thakkar (Partner)

Helen Radcliffe (Practice Manager) (apologies received)

Sandra Baldwin (temp Secretary)

Kris Cadman

Jo Cowlin

Michael Garrido (apologies)

John Gibson

Nic Justice (Chair)

Sam Wakefield

Chris Smith (apologies)


Holly Davis

Miriam Blazey

Agenda Item

Discussion Points

(Please review and prepare)

Led by


PPG Housekeeping

  • Introductions of new Committee Members

  • Open Actions (If not received before meeting)

  • Community Connects (report attached to agenda) Questions



Surgery Update

  • Staff (Vacancies, Sickness, Training etc)

  • Update NHS Data

  • Wins and challenges this month

  • Looking forward/ PPG support required



PPG Support

  • New Building



Patient Experience

  • Update




  • PPG Facebook Update

  • Newsletters etc.




  • Patient Access Vs NHS App



Patient Views

  • NHS App



Raising Awareness/ Communication

Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and families health.

  • Introduce “Back to Basics ” Working group

(If time allowing..)

  • Identify different cohorts

  • Discuss different communication methods.



Patient Views/survey

As part of the PPG remit is to carry out research into the views of those who use the practice.

  • “Back to Basics” Project



Service Feedback

(This is an Open Action NJ to arrange to discuss with HR outside the meeting)

  • April – June All Enquiries and Complaints reviewed and results feeding into “Back to Basics” project




Any items may need to be carried forward to next meeting time allowing.



Agree Date, Time and Location of Next Meeting:


Open/ Closed Actions from July PPG Committee Meeting




HR to take SW Patient Experience document to the PPN.  ( HR to let SW know of deadlines for the doc)

 Changed to a working group

Open - May

RT and HR to discuss “ Know your Numbers” Campaign and how the surgery could take it forward.  Presenting their ideas at the next PG meeting

 Agenda Item that will carry forward

 Open - May

PPG to set up a FB page – Suggested First post (not discussed in the meeting) Explain what we do and ask for members? NJ to send email to take this forward

NJ emailed all committee for involvement SW and JC would like to be involved SB sent apologies as not a FB user. No comment further interest. NJ ,SW, JC had a zoom call to set up and rules in respect of access/ set up/ posts etc.

Will leave as open until set up completed.


HR to raise at the Reception meeting on 16/06/21 re ensuring patients are aware Drs have reviewed test results and will call or an Urgent appointment will be made where necessary. To remove any unnecessary worry.



NJ to set up a Working Group Back to Basics Meeting to start taking it forward.


Open July

All PPG - please inform the relevant lead which working groups you would like to be involved in


Open July

NHS App RT to ensure all staff are aware of the NHS app and how patients can access it and what they can use it for.


Open July

JG - To distribute report on comparing Patient Access and NHS App


Open July

RT to email NJ and MB with more information regarding the New Building. NJ and MB to write letters of support.

(since the meeting NJ has spoken to HR who would like us to hold off these letters until HR holds a meeting with the new building project manager)

On hold July

Action for PPG to communicate that the surgery are unable to deal with hospital referrals and for them to call the hospital and not the surgery. (It has not been agreed how to take this forward as there are currently no clear communication channels)

SW once FB up and running ensure a post is on there. Once communication channels agreed via Back to Basics then use those channels to inform patients.

Open July

All PPG to sign TOR and return to JC as per her email


Open July


Community Link Update - NJ

Bourne End and Wooburn Green Councillors

Since the PPG Committee Meeting in May – NJ and SW met with the newly elected Independent Councillors Penny Drayton and Stuart Wilson. The aim was to see if we could connect into networks they have for spreading the word about BEWGMC.

  • Main topics - PPG explaining clearly the vision of the surgery and how it currently works and the day to day challenges.

  • The Councillors have a stand at the monthly market and would be happy for us to have our newsletter there.

  • We also spoke that their plan is to send a survey to all residents, we asked if we could add a few questions regarding BEWGMC

  • We were informed about the South West Chiltern Community Board run by the council which is there to connect different groups together. Penny kindly made introductions and I attended on Wed 7th July. Note that there is a representative from the Marlow medical centre there too! I will feedback to the PPG and the surgery if there is anything of interest.

Local Publications

I have also made a connection with Joyce from the Grapevine Magazine and they would be happy for us to have 300 words each month and very happy for more but they would need notice.

New Members

I reached out to the Bourne End and Wooburn Green SOS group who started to wind down their amazing work as of the 21st June. Their work with the vulnerable in the local area gives them a unique insight into the challenges faced and their expertise would be an excellent addition to the PPG committee. I am delighted to be able to say that Holly and Miriam will be joining us from July on the committee. Welcome Holly and Miriam.

South West Chiltern Community Board

I attended the South West Chiltern Community Board in summary there are 4 Action Groups who are able to access a grant for work the local community. I will be joining the Community Engagement action group who as long with many other things look at mental health in the community. Once I find out more I will feedback to both the surgery and the PPG. Note that others are very welcome to join the action groups and if you want to find out more just give me a ring. The next board meeting is in Nov

Edward Costello – Senior Social Prescriber

Edward is responsible for 2 teams

  • Care co-ordinators team - They get a list of patients that are discharged from hospital and arrange everything they possibly may need. Coordinating with the Drs where necessary. The Care team also are a link with the care homes and arrange with the Dr’s when care home visits are required.

  • Social Prescriber Team – They focus on non-clinical support with the aim of keeping people out of the surgery or appointments when their concerns are more social based E.g loneliness, mild/moderate mental health problems etc. Their strap line is “What matters to you!” so they will look at finance, accessing benefits, housing, family, selfcare, medication, activities. They will connect people with local groups and go down with them to help them settle in etc. All with the aim of improving their situation and reducing the impact on local services.

In terms of the Social Prescribers they currently have about 4 people being referred a week. This project run well could take the pressure off the surgeries. I would like to invite Edward to one of our meeting so that he can explain in detail how this works and how he sees local PPGs can get involved to support their work.

The team are also looking at setting up a support group for long covid sufferers and how their team can support them.

In the short term he will be providing me with some information to include in the Grapevine also as you may have seen on social media they are running their first Wellness Clinic in the Resolute Café in Marlow where anyone can drop in to access their services. They are planning one in Bourne End and it would be brilliant if PPG members were available to get involved.

Previous successes from the PPG 2021:

  • Supported Social Media Communications.

  • Supported and advised on Klinik Roll Out.

  • PPG surveyed family, friends and neighbours regarding issues raised by Klinik. BEWGMC have taken feedback and appropriate action taken.

  • Connected with wider community group.

  • PPG View documented regarding the sharing of NHS Data.

  • PPG Support for quarterly Newsletter to encourage health and wellbeing in the community.

Highlights from PPG July Agenda Points:

PPG House Keeping

Introductions – NJ introduced Holly and Miriam to the group. HD informed the PPG that previously she has been volunteering with the Bourne End SOS group which supported 600 vulnerable individuals and is connected with over 100 volunteers. MB is Parish Cllr responsible for planning and so will be on the PPG with two hats on.

Open Actions – NJ confirmed that all open actions are also agenda items except one that is allocated to HR who has sent her apologies for this meeting.

Community Connects – NJ had included a report regarding the community connections made during the month and asked if there were any questions. None were asked. NJ is happy to answer any questions outside of the meeting.

NJ confirmed that SW, JC and NJ met to discuss the setting up of the FB group. SW is running this work stream and will update the PPG once it is set up.

NJ informed the committee that someone has come forward to help with the newsletters and will be working directly with HR

Surgery Update – HR

Staffing update.

2 new GPs starting in September Nadia Rahman and Nirvana Douglas.

1 new GP starting in December- Hayley Parkes.

Currently advertising for 2 more GPs or a GP and an advanced Nurse Practitioner. (update 13th July- meeting with prospective new GP on Monday who may be available to start in August)

2 new receptionists being interviewed next week.

Challenges- Tricky week as 3 staff off self-isolating due to covid in school, and one staff members son has covid. 3 staff off sick on top of this.

Lots of calls from patients asking when they will have their hospital referral (backlog due to pandemic)- need to educate patients GPs have no influence on hospital appointments.

Still lots of covid vaccine queries, data missing, NHS app issues, covid vaccine given abroad issues not showing on app. Patients again need educating GP surgery can only add data if we gave the vaccine at Adams Park ( put on Facebook / website this week )

Unable to plan flu season as still no information on covid boosters and how to implement.

Wins- Newsletter planning, positive reviews on Facebook and letter to surgery, phone calls are reducing slowly ( Nic has data on this)

Uniform ( polo tops) for all reception staff in royal blue to smarten the reception team hopefully arriving next week.

Started face to face clinical meetings with nurses and GPs again raising morale.

Stopping Covid vaccines freeing up more time for surgery work.

NHS data- I am going to email CCG again and let them know despite their advice we are likely to be making decision by the end of the month to opt everyone out. Deadline 25th August.

RT added that there is a lot of work being done by the hospitals to communication to patients regarding routine referrals. There will be letters being sent to all patients on the waiting list to inform them what number to call if their condition deteriorates. At the moment patients are calling the surgery who are unable to help. A message has been put on the website.

RT informed the committee that the CQC have informed them that they will be carrying out a review starting 9th August.

Action for PPG to communicate that the surgery are unable to deal with hospital referrals and for them to call the hospital and not the surgery. (It has not been agreed how to take this forward as there are currently no clear communication channels)

New Building

RT informed the PPG that BEWGMC would like to relocate to one central site. A site has been identified in Bourne End and plans have been drawn up. RT would like the PPG to write a letter of support . MB added with her Parish Cllr hat on that they could also write a letter of support.

Both NJ and MB raised that to enable strong letters of support to be written then more information is required in terms of information about the new proposed medical centre. RT to send this information to NJ and MB.

RT asked for PPG in the new building it was agreed that the New Building will become a working group led by RT who can then ask for assistance where required.

Action –RT to email NJ and MB with more information then NJ and MB to write letters of support. (since the meeting NJ has spoken to HR who would like us to hold off these letters until HR holds a meeting with the new building project manager)

Patient Experience SW

No update – NJ confirmed it will be left on the agenda so that it stays a focus.

Patient Views – JG

JG spoke through the comparisons of Patient Access and the NHS app. JG confirmed that he will write a report and distribute it to the committee.

Action – JG to distribute the report.

NHS App – SW

SW informed the committee of her experience with the NHS app and not being able to get access to it even though access was requested via Klinik nothing after a month so asked face to face twice but each time the receptionist didn’t know anything about it.

Action - RT to take action point to follow this training need up with the team.

During the discussion it also became apparent that many of the PPG were unaware of the NHS app and therefore this needs to be communicated. This will need to be addressed in the back to basics work group.

Working groups

NJ gave an introduction that now the PPG are growing and getting involved in different project that they will be set up as “Working Group” Everyone is welcome to join any or all of the groups to be an active participant but is the committee members responsibility to join the relevant group. A working group will have a lead who will report back to the PPG at the monthly committee meeting. NJ has asked to be included in all working groups to ensure all groups are working towards a common goal.

Current working groups

PPG FB Group – SW (JC,NJ)

New Building – RT (SW, CS, NJ)

Back to Basics – NJ & JC (SW, HD, SB, RT, HR)

Action please inform the relevant lead which working groups you would like to be involved in.

Back to Basics

NJ prior to the meeting distributed further information regarding back to basic. The main aim is to ensure that the foundations are in place of how the Practice communicates and that the key services are communicated and FAQ addressed so that enquiries to the surgery are reduced and patients receive a better service as they are able to access information or are aware of the service so know how long certain things are going to take.

JC – Added that this is work that her and RT had started on . NJ requested that JC helps lead the Back to Basics so that we can ensure that all this work is incorporated.

Action NJ to set up a Working Group Back to Basics Meeting to start taking it forward.

AOB – None raised

Next Meeting - Tuesday 17th August 1830.